Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sponsorship Pooling and Swapping for Pre-Registration

Tributes that register the night before the Hunger Games (May 27th) will receive a free bottle of water to use in the arena.

Tributes will now be able to swap this item for other items totaling $3 in value. Tributes can also pay additional money to upgrade their item, or they can pool their $3 with friends.

The full list of sponsorships is below:
$1: Candy Cane
$3: Arena Map, Bottle of Water, Canned Food, OR Rope
$5: Book, Flashlight, Knife, Matches, OR Pot
$10: Weapon
$15: Bow and 4 Arrows

Some Examples:
A tribute could choose three candy canes instead of a bottle of water.
A tribute could pay $2 more to get some matches.
A tribute could group with 4 other tributes ($15) to get a Bow and 4 Arrows.

Only Tributes who register on May 27th will receive $3 in sponsorships. All tributes must register on May 27th or on May 28th.

The RWHG Staff recommends registering on May 27th and using your $3 to get a bottle of water.

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