Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Clothing Options Unveiled

Tributes will once again be able to choose their clothing for this year's Real World Hunger Games. Justin D, 2016 RWHG Game Maker, said in an interview Wednesday afternoon that "We had great success last year with our restriction-free clothing policy. It afforded tributes the freedom of choosing clothing that best suited their strategies." This policy is also much easier for the RWHG Staff to regulate.

Below is the Official RWHG Clothing Policy:

Tributes will be allowed to wear whatever clothing they desire. All clothing must be worn at the start of the games on the proper body part, but there is no limit to how much a tribute can wear. Clothing may be removed once the games begin. Other items such a matches, food, water, knives, and hand warmers are not permitted. Permitted clothing includes but is not limited to: Coats, Ghillie Suits, Jackets, Hats, Scarves, Gloves, Mittens, Rain Jackets, Ponchos, Shorts, Pants, Socks, Shoes, and Bandannas. Clothing may be any color including camouflaged.

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